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“There are no rules of architecture for a castle

built in the clouds”

[GK Chesterton, author and Prince of Paradox]

The Cloud Club is an exclusive network of senior technology & transformation leaders operating within enterprise-scale organisations. Our mission is to accelerate innovation and the pace of change through cloud technologies. By surfacing the right topic at the right time with the right question, we create the right conversation to deliver the right answers. We bring experts with opinion and surround our members with peers in order to bench test and validate your plans.

“Any debate around the utility of public cloud has been put aside since the onset of COVID-19


Gartner Research VP, Sid Nag


As a member you’re joining an exclusive network of business executives. Your membership gives you access to exclusive reports based on member contribution as well as in-person and virtual events. The network grows through recommendation, invitation or application only. Membership is without charge and open to CIOs, CTOs and CDOs large enterprise companies.


Cracking Data to Fuel AI

“If we can maintain even 60% of the pace we have right now, we will still drastically accelerate the pace of our transformation. Automation drives productivity whilst also allowing cross functioning teams to share a common purpose”

Insight-Driven Enterprise [EU]

According to research by McKinsey, the ‘superstar’ digital natives continue to widen the gap against the incumbents. The top 10 percent of $1B+ companies now capture 80% of the profit pool and are 23 times more likely to acquire customers thanks to their insight-driven culture…

Insight-Driven Enterprise [UK]

Despite aspirations for a digital future, only 31% of senior executives consider their companies to be insight-driven and only 25% said they feel prepared to make use of data [Accenture]. The window is rapidly closing for organisations not maximising value from their data.

The Team


James Harris


George Parry

Club Director

Georgina Hayes

Research Director

Philippa Brown

Research Director

Camilla Jørgensen

Research Director

Elle Brasier

Operations Manager